Week in Review
November 25, 2009

Our Sunday school class is not seeing an increase in numbers but it is seeing an increase in married couples. Our first week we had about 40 but I did not see one husband and wife sitting together. This past week we had about 25 in our class; however, we had about 7 couples sitting by each other. Amen and amen. I will try to remember to bring my camera to church on Sunday to let you all see our set up.

We went to eat last night at Richard and Rosemary Frimpong's house. They are a couple from our church. Richard is the man that went to Pastor's School in Hammond, Indiana last year. We ate chicken, boiled yam, and cabbage stew. Brett really enjoyed it. I am not so adventurous when it comes to eating, I did like the chicken! =)


Dr. Kalapp came for a visit to deal with specifics with the land we recently bought. He came in on Thursday and left on Tuesday. We were able to have him over for

lunch on Sunday. We really love the Kalapps. It was refreshing to have him over.


Brett brought me and the kids to the new property for the first time yesterday. It is 10 acres of land with two schools already built on it. They are going to start to clear the land soon. HOW EXCITING!!


Brett spent an hour with two adult women trying to make them understand that salvation is not by works but by the blood of Jesus Christ. Eventually it clicked and they got saved. I had nursery on Saturday and was not able to go out soul winning. BLAH!

Judson is starting to sit on his own now! He can also stand when holding on to something. He is just growing too fast.


Jackson is doing well with the potty. He has his occasional accident during the night, but other than that he is doing very well. We have started using flash cards to
help him learn his alphabet. He really enjoys it.
