May 30, 2009

Hey everybody, seems like forever since we have last updated this site.  I guess that’s because it has been forever =). So much has happened over the last few months:


    We bought a 1994 Mitsubishi Pajero with a Nissan engine in it for $8,000. (I know that seems like a lot of money for a vehicle, but for here that’s a steal considering a new Toyota SUV costs $80,000)



Our Truck


         We took a short 2 week trip to America in March/April. We were able to go to California and New Jersey and successfully surprised both grandmothers with our visit. They had NO idea we were coming. It was so refreshing to see family even though it was for a short time.



Us with Brett's Family



Us with My Family


         Brett has started teaching at the college 2 full days each week. This is a good thing because he really likes teaching. He teaches “Fundamental Man”, “Church Leadership”, and “Evangelistic Song Leading”.  This is his favorite class seeing that he is not a music major and didn’t even take this class in college =). He still has all of his church duties so it has been difficult to balance all of his work responsibilities.



Brett pounding FuFu - a local dish composed of plantains and kasava root.


         I am now teaching “Christian Womanhood” at Hyles-Anderson College of West Africa. I teach one hour on Tuesday and Thursday. I enjoy teaching very much and have missed not being able to teach. I have also started writing the new Ghana Team updates and working in the office some. I HATE being away from the boys so I try to do as much of the work as I can during their nap time so I do not have to be away from them.

Me with two of my College Girls

         Jackson can currently count up to 14. He also knows his birthday is in August and he will turn 3 then. Ghanaians have also learned that in order to win Jacksons friendship a little bribe of a piece of candy will do just fine.



Jackson climbing up a tree

         Judson turned ONE on May 15th. He now has 3 teeth and just took his first couple of steps on Wednesday.


Judson Riding his Bike (Thank you Grandma Guarneri)


         Brett is still preaching Children’s Church. We are averaging 250-300 four to seven year olds per week. One of the boys recently had a birthday and his mother brought a birthday cake for him to share with his class. This posed a problem because the cake was a 10 inch round cake. We ended up cutting the cake into less than bite sized pieces and “most” children got some.


             Our children’s choir just sang, “I Just Want to Thank you Lord.” It took almost 3 months to teach them this song because it has so many words. Brett was worried about how they would do, but they ended up singing the best they have ever sung. I really wish you could hear them sing! Next time I will try to take a video.



Brett Leading our Children's Choir


         Our Adult Sunday school class is seeing great growth.  Brett had been praying for 4 months to break 50 in our class. We had a spring program and the first 3 weeks we didn’t get close to breaking 50, but the last week we had 59. Praise the Lord! Since that time we have had over 50 for five out of six weeks. It is great to see the growth of the individual Sunday School class members. There is one man in particular in whom we have seen amazing growth. His name is Mr. Agyemang. Here are a few testaments of his growth:

o   He got married to the woman he has been living with for over 20 years.

o   She then started coming to class

o   They both started attending Men’s and Women’s Fellowship

o   They both started attending our Sunday Evening Service

o   And they recently started attending Reformers Unanimous


Brett and Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. Agyemang  

Amen and Amen. Well, hopefully that somewhat catches you up to speed with us. If you have any questions or comments please post on our wall! This website is for you, so please let us know what YOU want to know =).