May 28, 2008

He is FINALLY here! Judson Louis Beil was born at 3:34 AM on May 15, 2008 (one day after my estimated due date). He weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces and was 20 inches long. I know this sounds like an oxymoron but I had the best labor ever! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for all of your prayers � they were surly answered. After Jackson was born I contemplated not having any more kids because the labor and delivery was so intense; but, now I think we might have a few more. I feel GREAT! Brett has to keep telling me to slow down because I just want to go out and have fun.


I took Judson to the doctor today. He has gained a full pound in the last two weeks and has grown 2 inches. Hopefully he will grow better than Jackson did the first year. Last night he slept 5 and � hours straight. Praise the Lord! I think he is a pretty content baby once he is fed and changed. We surly are blessed.


Ok � let me try to update you.

After an 11+ hour flight Jackson and I (35 weeks expecting) arrived in New Jersey April 8th. Jackson slept the first 5 hours of the flight and was well behaved for the rest of the flight. Thanks again for your prayers! We got to spend 2 weeks with my family in New Jersey. It was so refreshing to be home with them, go to Dad�s growing church and just relax and fellowship. My family loved Jackson. They were so good with them. He really had a great time. Mom ended up buying him 3 basketball hoops and countless balls. Needless to say he played from morning until evening.



Brett came in April 22nd and got to stay in New Jersey for a few days. We flew to Indiana on April 26th and that is where we are now. Brett works for FBMI at the First Baptist Church of Hammond from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. His family came in for Kari and Caleb�s graduation. They were here from May 20th to May 27th. It was great to have them in town. It gave me people to talk to when Brett was at work. Mom Beil was a tremendous help with Judson � I was so thankful to have them in town.


We will be going to California from June 21st to July 5th and then we will fly to New Jersey and stay there until Caleb�s wedding on July 19th and then back to Ghana on July 22nd.


I will try to answer some the questions people have been asking us since we have been back.

1. Is it weird to be back in America?
No!! I think since
America and Ghana are such different places we don�t compare the two.

2. Do you miss Ghana?
YES!! Especially the Ghanaian people. The Ghanaians are so kind to us and everyone wants to say hi and talk. We are lucky to get a nod when we are walking around here.

3. Is it hard to go soul winning in America?
IT IS DIFFERENT. My first week home I was door knocking with my sister Lauren. It was my turn to talk and an Indian lady came to the door. I was chatty with her and then asked her if she believed in the Bible to which she responded no. In
Ghana EVERYONE (even the Muslims) believe in the Bible so that was a challenge. I would certainly have to brush up on my apologetics if we were going to come back here.


4. Have you enjoyed American food since you have been back?
HAHAHAHA!!! Well let�s just say I gained 27 pounds in the 5 weeks before I gave birth and Brett is nearing 20. American food is so good � and SO bad for you!


5. If you have any questions you would like to have answered PLEASE do not hesitate to ask. I will do my best to post again when I am in California with the response to all of the questions I get. Please either post them on the wall or email me at

We love you all and can�t wait to see most of you when we will be in California and New Jersey.God is SO good to us. I am convinced that He loves us the most. We are so blessed to have so many people praying for us and thinking about us. We certainly feel loved beyond all measure. We LOVE you!